
Working on social inclusion from the board

Education, Smilemundo, Social economy

Most (The bridge) is our latest creation: a cooperative board game in which players must jointly rebuild a settlement destroyed in the wake of a flood. During the game, they must cross the bridge, find the necessary materials to repair the damage suffered and get away in time from the storms.

Mathematics with meaning


Mathematics is still considered by many students as a difficult subject that is vaguely linked to reality, although, paradoxically, many believe that maths is necessary to solve problems, especially problems of everyday life.

Mòdul d'Aprenentatge en Localització dels ODS

Learning Module: Localizing the SDGs

Development, Education, Smilemundo

One of our last projects was requested by the United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) who asked us to design a training methodology that could be used by the representants of local and regional governments to locate the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Manual Formador

SmileUrbo Educator’s Manual is now available

Education, SmileUrbo

SmileUrbo has a manual specifically designed for trainers, which not only provides a solid knowledge base on the use of the game, but also the ability to adapt it for different thematic workshops that focus on the development of soft skills, as democracy, negotiation or sustainable development.

SmileUrbo Facts and Figures

Education, SmileUrbo

When we started to work on creating SmileUrbo back in 2013, we had no idea just how complex it would or how successful it would be. After 3 years of hard work, we’ve done the numbers, and it gives us great pleasure to share the facts and figures that define our educational game.

Goal Erasmus+ achieved!

Education, SmileUrbo

During March, we completed the Erasmus + project started in September 2014, in collaboration with the Polish foundation Innowatorium. The aim of the project was to promote the active participation of young people in democracy, through the game SmileUrbo.

Our first steps in Asia

Education, SmileUrbo

UCLG has invited us to run a workshop based on SmileUrbo with cities representatives from Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Indonesia, Maledives, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines and South Korea.

Web Smilemundo

New web page & mission!

Crowdfunding, Education

A few weeks ago Smilemundo launched a new website which is the most visible reflection of the transformation that we have experienced in recent times, especially in relation to the scope and type of projects developed.