Goal Erasmus+ achieved!
During March, we completed the Erasmus + project which began in September 2014, in collaboration with the Polish foundation Innowatorium. The aim of the project was to promote the active participation of young people in democracy, through an innovative tool as the game SmileUrbo.
Among the actions that we have developed, we include the translation and adaptation of the game (originally in Catalan) into three languages (Spanish, English and Polish); the design and programming of the new Educator’s Panel, an intuitive and accessible space that incorporates everything you need to organize a game and manage teams; and the development of an Educator’s Manual.
This document, also in three languages, was written by a group of specialists in game dynamics applied to training, following the methodology Train the Trainers. Its main purpose is to provide a knowledge base about using SmileUrbo in an educational process and adapt it to more specific work issues such as negotiation, democracy, interpersonal communication, sustainable development, time management or social capital.
In parallel, throughout this year and a half they have been conducted in outreach activities in different cities in Poland and Spain. In total, about 300 people from areas such as public administration, university or the third sector have participated in a game or presentation along the Erasmus + project.
Erasmus + is a program of the European Union in the fields of education, youth and sport, which is developed over the period 2014-2020. Its mission is to improve the skills and employability, and modernize education, training and youth work.