Robert Biedron

We contribute to create social and solidarity economy networks in Poland

Smilemundo, Social economy

Within recent months, we have continued to make progress in the design and execution of various projects to explore and transfer good practices on social economy from Barcelona to the municipality in Northern Poland.  This has been done within the framework of the transnational cooperation agreement established with the Center for Citizen Initiatives of Słupsk. 

Partnering with a project that we began developing at the end of 2016, “Time of Change,” together we have now created a second program with the municipality of of Słupsk to support the creation of a social and solidarity economy network in this city. In October and November of this year, a delegation from the town hall, led by Mayor Robert Biedroń, visited Barcelona to learn firsthand about successful practices in this area.


Biedroń, who has been head of the city council since 2014, is a social activist who has played an important role in the defense of LGBT rights in Poland. Since taking office, he has introduced new policies that are committed to the social economy, sustainable development and citizen collaboration.

The group had a chance to learn about projects such as: Biciclot, Alencop, Impulsem, Tot Raval or the Bank of Time in the same neighborhood. The visit also included a meeting with the team of the Commissioner of Social Economy, Local Development and Consumption of the Barcelona City Council, who has always contributed to our programs with their knowledge and experience.

A new visit is planned for March 2018 to continue learning about good practices between Catalan administrations and solidarity economy agents.

About the Citizens’ Initiatives Center

Centrum Inicjatyw Obywatelskich (CIO) has been working on the development of initiatives within the third sector since 1994 with the goal of creating spaces for discussion between citizens and the administration. In the recent years CIO has designed projects to support the social and solidarity-based economy in Poland and has been promoting it at the local, regional and national level.

All the projects carried out by Smilemundo and CIO are funded through the European Union’s POWER (Knowledge, Education and Development) program.